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How To Keep Your Job in 2014

Michael S. Robinson

For the past 24 years I’ve hired, nurtured, managed, mentored – you name it – hundreds of employees ranging in skill sets and personalities across the board. Unfortunately, there are no written text books or employee manuals created especially for each unique person to get you through the ever-changing work environment. Job descriptions are not as black and white as they were twenty years ago. You have to read between the lines to figure out what is expected of you. With the growth of technology companies are looking to streamline functionality, spend less to make more, and improve efficiency. So what can you do to ensure that your job is safe and your talents are recognized? I’m going to tell you what your boss won’t tell you, or probably hasn’t figured out himself: Make yourself indispensable!! Here are my 6 tips on how to do just that in 2014.

  1. Know that everything is not written in a job description— Most people think that the employment requirements for a job are an education, skill sets, and experience. However, intuition, creativity, and innovativeness are the main ingredients to being indispensable at the workplace, regardless of what you do. You’re going to have to figure out the gaps in between the lines and step outside of the basic description.

  2. Be your own PR firm—Let people know what you have accomplished or someone else will take credit for it. It’s okay to brag a little if you have something to brag about.

  3. Think ahead of your boss — This is where that innovative thinking comes in. Sometimes your manager may not necessarily know what he wants and needs, but could recognize a good idea if presented effectively. Other times your manager may not know how best to communicate viable information to you, so you're simply going to have to figure it out on your own.

  4. Patent your world — Find that one task that only you can do and become the go-to person at work, making you indispensable.

  5. Do your own performance review — Outline your strengths and weaknesses, figure out what your good at doing and how you can improve upon your weak areas. It’s an excellent way of motivating yourself by setting goals and evaluating your performance. The side effect is that the quality of your work improves and is recognized.

  6. Network, network, network —Create a network of allies in and outside of your department that can build you up. It’s great when your boss gets a compliment about you from a colleague of his, but it’s also better when others outside of your department know how valuable you are.

Employers are constantly reinventing the wheel in order to make their companies more competitive. It only makes sense that if you want to grow with your job, you’re going to have to be adaptable to that constant change as well.For more tips on how to empower yourself as an employee while at the same time creating a more dynamic workplace, or - if you are an entrepreneur - starting and growing a successful business, check out my previous blogs on this site and download my podcasts from iTunes. You can also stay up-to-date with daily posts, tips, and information on The Michael S. Robinson Show by following me on Facebook and Twitter.

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